Aaron&Leah’s Mom
There is a theory built by Dr. Gardner called Multiple Intelligence which claims that human intelligence is made of range of 9 sub-intelligences. He says, all people have all nine but, in each person, one or some of them is more pronounced.
I have a son who’s very kinesthetic, and interpersonal. Based on above, that’s all about I know of his strength. Why?
Because, I‘ve only lived with him for 9 years so, haven’t had enough time to understand his potential yet in full. All I know is that my son is unique to his own and I wanted him to play a special role in the world that makes him happy and full. With that in mind, I couldn’t just send him to any standard Kindergartens nor English institutions where all children are more or less derived to “Show and Perform” their full potential in short two to three years of their stay. I haven’t yet fully understood my son’s capability, how can they tell or show me what’s of his in short 2~3 years? I liked Konis in this respect. Konis hardly was pretentious trying to show me what’s not of my son. Teachers fully respected the strength of the child and rarely made judgments on what he was not yet to be. I think I was rather the impatient mother occasionally worrying of what I yet couldn’t see comparing one child to the other.
The best piece takes time to build and is limited in number which is why most luxury products are custom made by the professionals and is rare. Konis provides that unique learning system, custom building your child to reach his or her full potential. They are willing to show you the path of parenthood and practice the most valued elements in parenting, patience. Such system is daily supported from the experience and knowledge of the teachers, greater vision from the principal and all of their passion to make the change and salvage the children of our future along with the parents.
I don’t believe in “one remedy fits all” as all children are different and for that respect, cannot guarantee Konis carries the best curriculum or the best teacher for your child. But, for me it was the best place for my son where the teachers were ready to wait for his potential to bloom and to show full respect for “who he is” and not for “who he should be”.
My last piece of recommendation who has gone through many trial & error: take your child to a place where you can share your vision of how to raise your child and with teachers who can support you along the way because, that’s the main role of the teachers not simply teaching your child another piece of alphabet; You may be better at that.
저는 운동감각이 있고 관계 중심의 아들을 둔 엄마 입니다. 제가 아들에 대해 아는 것은 앞에 언급한 것이 전부 입니다.
왜냐하면, 아들과 함께한 9년의 삶은 그 아이를 온전히 파악하기에는 턱없이 짦은 시간이었기 때문입니다.
그래서 KONIS는 모든 아이들이 획일적으로 취급 당하고 과정 보다는 결과 중심의 교육을 받는 여느 영어 기관 보다 아이 개개인의 가능성을 개발 시켜 주시고 인내를 가지고 기다려 주시는 훌륭한 선생님들이 저의 교육관과 일치하고 제 아이들을 잘 교육하시리라는 확신이 들었습니다.현재 많은 부모님들께서 자녀 교육에 대해 많은 혼란을 겪고 있으시라 생각됩니다.
한가지 분명한 점은, 부모로서 자녀와 비전을 공유하고 그것을 자녀의 선생님과 함께 도울 수 있도록 힘쓰는 것이 가장 최선일 것입니다.